‘Green unbuilding’

Recession wiped out thousands of construction jobs in Santa Cruz


Thanks to the Santa Cruz Construction Guild web site  I am working on a great remodel. Needs some pretty intense Land Use, as well as creative space planning. Two of my favorite gigs. Also, Bailey Properties requested me to do a seminar on Land Use and using the County GIS site. The meeting was scheduled for one hour, but folks were so interested, we met for two hours. Some of the realtors had checked me out on the Guild web site before the meeting. Thanks and keep up the good work!

Susan Dee Cummins, Building Design, CAD Drafting Land Use Analysis

Office: 831-476-8051


My Current Project

I’m building a small remodel-addition at 143 Stockton on the West Side.  What a great place to work!

Demo & Foundation Prep

Second Floor Framing

This is a fun project.  The ocean views are great.

Members, send in your current project pics and I’ll post them here. Plus, we now have a SCCG FaceBook page so it will post there also.  Well, it’s supposed to.  I’m still having some head-scratching to do on making that automatic.  All of this is good for getting your business out there in front of the Santa Cruz public.




EPA Training

Green Careers Partership

EPA Lead Remediation Training

Sunday 8/19/10 4:00 -5:00 pm

More useless government meddling

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